Friday, 30 September 2016

October Challenge - Years 5 & 6

Food for thought

Max was lazing on the beach when he was feeling peckish. He went to the café and bought 2 iced buns and 1 lolly. It cost him 80 pence. Dave came along just as Max was finishing the iced bun.

"Hey, where's mine?" he shouted.

"All gone!" muttered Max, feeling rather guilty.

"Well, I'll just get my own then," said Dave. "I'll show you!" Showing off, Dave bought 3 iced buns and 2 lollies. It cost him £1.30. He took them back and sat down next to Max and then ate all the buns in one go.

Five minutes later: "Err, I don't feel very well," groaned Dave, "Would you like to buy the lollies off me?"

"OK," said Max, "How much did they cost?"

Good question: How much did each lolly cost?

Each lolly cost 20p.

It might have taken some trial and improvement to solve this question. You could make a reasonable guess for the cost of a lolly and then work out what an iced bun would cost using Max's total. Does it work for Dave's total as well? Adjust the amount until you find numbers that work.