Thursday, 30 June 2016

July Challenge - Years 3 & 4

Some Product!

1) Find two numbers whose sum is 9 and their product is 20.
2) Find two numbers whose sum is 10 and their product is 21.
3) Find two numbers whose sum is 10 and their product is 24.
4) Find two numbers whose sum is 9 and their product is 14.
5) Find two numbers whose sum is 15 and their product is 54.

For an extra challenge try:
a) Find three numbers whose sum is 10 and their product 20.
b) Find three numbers whose sum is 13 and their product 60.

A sum is the answer to an addition question.

A product is the answer to a multiplication question.

Solutions are to be completed by Thursday 14th July.  Please post them into the Maths Challenge Box in the picture book library.