Friday, 9 January 2015

A Game for the New Year * to ***

Make it a New Year's Resolution to improve your knowlege of Maths facts.  Here is a game that can be played by all ages and abilities to practice addition, subtraction or multiplication facts.  Choose the operation and numbers that best suit your purpose. 

Maths War

Playing cards (Ace=1, J=10, Q=11, K=12)
(Use the values appropriate for your child’s ability.  Perhaps you would just start with values 1-5.)

Instructions (for an addition game):
1) Players divide cards equally between themselves.
2) Each player turns over two cards and adds them together (either by counting the pictures on the cards or mentally).  The player with the highest sum gets all the cards and places them at the bottom of their pile.  Younger children can count the symbols on their cards to find the total while older children can try to do the sum mentally.
3) In the event of a tie (both players have the same sum), war is declared.  Each player deals out three more cards face down and then turns over two more cards.  These two cards are added together.  The highest sum wins all the cards. 
4) Play continues until one player has collected all the cards, or to a given time limit.

Vary the number of cards to change the level of difficulty.
     Ex. Choose three cards per player 23 + 6
        or five cards per player 534 + 24